e enjte, 12 korrik 2007

RFH - Give your Stomach a workout.

Recipe for Health

If you have not done so please visit Dr. Nicholas Balovich at www.drbalovich.com.

“Give your Stomach a workout.”

So what is the one thing we can do to make our eating habits healthier?

Whatever “diet” we choose we can get the most nutritious food possible. The best way to accomplish this is to get foods as close to their original form as possible. Every time a food is cooked or tampered with it loses some portion of its nutritional value (vitamins and minerals.) Ex. Broccoli that comes out of a can of soup is wayyyyyyy less nutrient dense than a head of broccoli. Just to get to the can the broccoli was cooked then it was mixed with other stuff and cooked again. Then the “mixture” was put through a preserving process so that the end result has calories but really doesn’t stoke your digestive fire. The following example would be considered a “dead” food with little of its original vitality. “Live” foods come unchanged from nature and are as fresh as possible. Ex. These would be, apples, nuts, grapes, carrots, celery, spinach, pears, zucchini etc, Right out of the ground or off a tree. Our bodies have not changed the way they absorb food in thousands of years. As we have developed new technology we begun to cook, preserve and tamper with food destroying much of its original nutritive value. This processed food takes less effort to digest and actually weakens our digestive “muscles.” To maintain a strong vital digestion we need to eat foods that are not easily digested. It’s the same way we build or maintain our muscle tone. The old adage is “you are what you eat” but this can be improved to “you are what you absorb.” Nourishment comes from what can be absorbed from the food we eat. If our digestion has become weak from consuming processed foods then even when we eat good vital foods we are unable to break them down. That can be accompanied by gas. By the way that gas is a signal that our bodies are trying to get back into shape. It’s a lot like being sore after working out so don’t let it alarm you. Remember that malnutrition is not just underfed. There are many overweight people who don’t get the nourishment they need so they are driven to consume far too many calories in an attempt to obtain them.

Special Tips:

  1. Most people eat too much starchy foods. These “Comfort” foods clog the system making it difficult to eliminate wastes from the system.
  2. Meat is considered an acid forming food. Consuming lots of meat and other proteins will raise the overall level of the body’s acidity and has been linked to gout (esp. red meat) and joint problems.
  3. Water used to cook vegetables should not be thrown away as it contains vital minerals. It can be useful if drunk as soup.
  4. Do not eat just to eat. If you are not hungry come mealtime then eat lightly to stimulate your appetite for your next meal.
  5. If you are looking to gain weight then plan to sleep directly after a meal. If you do not want to gain weight then plan to stop eating 2 hours or more before bedtime.
  6. A great Idea is to replace much of the starch “bread, pasta, cookies and cakes” with fruits and raw veggies.

Dr. Nick Balovich – East Coast Clinic of Chiropractic

To schedule an appointment, or if you have any questions contact:

Dr. Nicholas Balovich

Zone Healing Center


or visit us on the web at www.drbalovich.com

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