e enjte, 12 korrik 2007

RFH - Best exercise in the world

Recipe for Health

If you have not done so please visit Dr. Nicholas Balovich at www.drbalovich.com.

“Best exercise in the world”

We have hundreds of joints in our bodies “MOVE THEM.”

Why should we do any exercise anyway. Well moving your muscles also moves the blood and fluid throughout our bodies. This distributes nutrition to all the cells and carries the waste to the places in our body that gets rid of that stuff. Also maintaining our flexibility is really important for taking care of ourselves as we get older. Have you ever wondered why the older athletes seem to get injured more often that the younger ones. Well it’s a gradual loss of flexibility that happens if we don’t pay special attention to maintaining it. The long scientific answer deals with collagen production and would put everyone to sleep. The short answer is muscles and tendons need to be stretched regularly so they don’t stiffen up . As an athlete gets older there is a longer period of “warming up” to loosen all the joints. If you move your joints they will keep moving. If you do not move a joint eventually you will not be able move it.

What is the best exercise in the whole world? Well I don’t know about the rest of the world so we’ll concentrate on the U.S. In the seventies the running revolution hit the US. In the 80’s it was aerobics with Richard Simmons and the FIRM workout. The Nineties gave way to resistance training and machine cardio. The new millennium has gone back in time to yoga and Pilates. Even though there is a change ever so many years (we could document the passage of time by the exercise equipment we remember) people still gravitate to what they like. We still have runners running and they can be healthy. People still do aerobics, now with balls and hand weights and they are healthy. There are those who love to pump iron and spin and if done correctly they are healthy. It also works that we have moved back to bodyweight exercises such as Pilates and yoga (with or without the extra heat.) SO WHAT IS THE BEST ONE?!?!?!?!?

The answer is really simple. The best exercise is the one you enjoy and will do regularly. The most important element is consistency. Going to the gym or running once a month for 2 hours won’t help you a bit. An effective schedule would be some activity twenty or more min a day for three to five days a week. So if you enjoy an exercise and will do it regularly and it challenges you then you have found the perfect workout for you. By the way challenging doesn’t mean it would push Lance Armstrong. If you break a sweat and breath deeply during your activity then that’s perfect. Life is a journey so you will feel compelled to change up your activities or background. Ex. If you walk on a treadmill all the time then sometimes you can walk around the neighborhood for a change of scenery. Also if you start walking 10 min a day then after a week or so you can walk for 15 min till you are comfortable adding more time. So should you move till you drop??? Um no that would just a bit counter productive. The best rule is “move everything that will move until you are tired then STOP.”

Dr. Nick Balovich – Zone Healing Center

To schedule an appointment, or if you have any questions contact:

Dr. Nicholas Balovich

drbalovich@drbalovich.com or visit us on the web at www.drbalovich.com

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